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How to Protect a Microsoft Excel file with a password

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Office files that we created in MS Excel files can sometimes be important for us and should not be viewed or modified by others. To protect these files we can put a password on the file Ms. Excel. By doing protection of important files on the computer will prevent data damage and also to secure the file.

Steps to Create a Password in Ms. Excel

Create a password in the file Office Ms. Excel is actually very easy. The following describes about How to Protect Microsoft Excel files with a password. Here are the steps:

  1. Open the file that will be protected with a password and then click Save As
  2. Click on "Tools" on the bottom and then select the "General Options""
  3. Enter a password to protect the file office. Password to open you must enter if you want the file can not be opened without specifying a password. Passwords to modify you must enter if you want the file can not be modified without writing down the password (the file can be opened but can not be modified). The password is then used to open a file or modify files that have been protected.
  4. File Office Ms. Word and Ms. Excel has successfully protected

By doing all of the above steps, you've managed to do tips on How to Protect a Microsoft Excel file with a password.

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