Based on the standard font Calibri size 11, the default column width is 8.43 and the standard line height is 15. If you change the font type and size standard, Excel also can change the column width or height alone standard line.
Adjust the column width
Follow the steps below to adjust the column width (change column widths in excel):- Select the column whose width you want to change. Select multiple columns if you want more than one column to be changed.
- Click the letters column. If you want to set one column, click a cell in the column. For example, column A or column B, and so on.
- To manually change the column width, position the mouse pointer on the boundary between one column to another column until it turns into a double-sided arrow. For example, to change the width of column A, then click on the line that constitutes the border with column B. Pull up the width of the column you want.
- To change the column width automatically and with regular size, click on the column (eg: click column A).
- Then right click and select "Column Width".
- Fill in the numbers that would be the width of the column.
Change the row height
To change the height of one or more lines, follow these steps:- Select the row that you want to adjust the height.
- To select an entire row, click on the row number on the left. If you want to set up one row, click the cell in the row.
- To manually change the row height, position the mouse pointer on the lower boundary line of the title until it turns into a double-sided arrow. Pull until the row is the height you want.
- To change the line width automatically and with regular size, click on the line (eg: click column A).
- Then right click and select "Row Height".
- Fill in the numbers that would be the line width.